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Software Installs

The installation and configuration (including changes) of new or updated versions of instructional software on stand-alone or networked systems requires a significant amount of our limited technical resources. Issues such as physical disk drive space limitations and compatibility may preclude installation of some software packages. It is advised that faculty allow at least one month notice to Technology Services of your anticipated needs to ensure availability, particularly in classroom and lab applications.

ALL software that is to be installed on Hawai'i CC systems MUST be submitted to Technology Services with an original or copy (items 1, 2 and 3 ONLY) of:

  1. All manuals/technical information and/or documentation pertaining to installation of server(s) and /or workstations, as applicable.
  2. The software license(s).
  3. The purchase order/requisition for the purchase.
  4. The original media (CD, DVD, etc.)

Software will not be installed on Hawai'i CC systems without these items. Compatibility issues may be irresolvable and preclude the installation of certain packages. To minimize these instances, you are strongly urged to contact Technology Services prior to purchase of any software. If Technology Services is not given adequate notice for installations/upgrades of software packages, the completion of these requests may be deemed impractical and have to be delayed until a later time.