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CES-Course Evaluation System

feedback survey


Starting Fall 2018, the University of Hawai'i System will implement a new Course Evaluation System (CES) to replace the existing eCafe Evaluation System.



During the AY 2017-18, the Faculty Policy Committee as part of the Academic Senate completed work resulting in the following report:
Hawaiʻi Community College
Faculty Policy Committee (FPC) Course Evaluation System (CES) Report
Academic year 2022-2023


  • October 1, 2018 - CES is available for Campus Coordinators and Instructors can develop their bank of questions
  • October 29, 2018 to November 15, 2018- Instructors select their questions
  • November 19, 2018 to December 6, 2018 - Students take evaluation
  • December 20, 2018 - Results released
  • January 1, 2019 - Results published

View the Instructor Guide


  1. CES will be used for ALL courses and will open automatically for the surveys.
  2. Each student will only receive one survey per course, even when there are multiple instructors: one course - one survey.
  3. The instructor no longer OWNS the results of the surveys. HawCC has determined that each division/department may decide to share the CES results with the division chair/department chair.
  4. HawCC has determined its campus-level questions
  5. The eCAFE question pool is being retired. Each division/department may set up their own question pool for Level II (College/School/Division) and Level III (Course/Department/Program) questions. These questions will be inputted into CES by designated HawCC "staff" after October 1st.
  6. The Instructor/Faculty may create their own bank of questions and select answer types after October 1st. From October 29th the Instructors may input their specific questions into the CES survey from the bank of questions. These Level IV (Faculty) questions should be developed after reviewing the Level I, II and III questions to avoid repetition.
  7. CES is mobile friendly and students can complete the CES evaluation on their own devices which is expected to increase student response rates.
  8. It is recommended that each CES survey has no more than 21 questions in total (from Levels I, II, III, and IV combined). The questions will be asked in reverse order on the CES Survey: first Level IV (Faculty) questions, then Level III (Course/Department/Program), Level II (College/School/Division), and Level I (Campus) questions. All four level questions will have the same sharing rules determined by each department.


Who do I contact for technical issues?
Maggie Kaleleiki at